'PlayMovie' Console Command

Command Syntax:

PlayMovie NameOfMovie

plays NameOfMovie movie

StopMovie NameOfMovie

stops NameOfMovie movie (unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work for me)

Replace NameOfMovie with a string from the next section. A short description is given for each.


AirBlast <-- sonic boom plasmid by ryan industries movie
AlphaTest <-- animation of a star (cannot quit out of this movie)
Bathysphere <-- shows the 'level select screen' (can jump to already visited level)
BerserkRage <-- plasmid by ryan industries movie
ComboLock <-- shows four digit combo lock movie (cannot quit out of this movie)
Controls <-- shows xbox360 controller mapping (press ESC to close movie)
CraftingStation <-- shows the U-Invent menu (click on 'close' to close movie)
Credits <-- shows game credit (press ESC to close move; will take you back to main menu)
DecoyHuman <-- plasmid by ryan industries movie
ElectricBolt <-- plasmid by ryan industries movie
EndingMovieHarvestedGatherers <-- this is the game's bad ending (spoiler!)
EndingMovieSavedGatherers <-- this is the game's good ending (spoiler!)
FadeIn <-- blacks out the screen for a second or so
FadeOut <-- gradually blacks out the screen (cannot quit out of this movie)
FirstFlashback <-- shows the bioshock logo movie
Hacking <-- shows the hacking screen (cannot quit out of this movie)
HarvestMovie <-- shows movie when harvesting little sister
HUD <-- doesn't appear to do anything
IcicleAssault <-- plasmid by ryan industries movie
Incineration <-- plasmid by ryan industries movie
InGameManual <-- shows the 'goals' screen (ESC/click on 'close' to exit screen)
InsectSwarmPlasmid <-- plasmid by ryan industries movie
IntroMovie <-- shows the bioshock logo movie
Maps <-- shows the 'map' screen (ESC/click on 'close' to exit screen)
NTSCColorBars <-- shows the 'gamma' screen (ESC to exit screen)
Pause <-- brings up the 'spotlights' menu screen (ESC to exit screen)
PCWeaponSelection <-- shows the background of weapon selection (ESC to exit)
PlaneMovie <-- plays the 'plane crash' movie
PlasmidEquip <-- shows the 'plasmid select' screen (ESC to exit)
PlasmiNow <-- shows the 'plasmid slot' screen (click on 'store in gene' to exit)
ProgressBar <-- does nothing (commented out in .ini file)
SecurityBeacon <-- plasmid by ryan industries movie
SmallFile < -- plays the bioshock logo movie (cannot quit out of this movie)
SpringboardTrap <-- plasmid by ryan industries movie
SummonProtector <-- plasmid by ryan industries movie
Telekinesis <-- plasmid by ryan industries movie
TestBinkInfoBox <-- crashes the game
TestFlashback <-- shows the bioshock logo movie
Warning <-- shows "press any key to continue" screen (ESC to exit screen)
WouldYouKindlyMovie <-- flashback movie (spoiler!)

Usage Examples:

PlayMovie AirBlast View screenshot
PlayMovie Bathysphere View screenshot
PlayMovie CraftingStation View screenshot
PlayMovie NTSCColorBars View screenshot

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