'GiveItem' Console Command

Tired of not having enough adams or ammo? Then give yourself 9,999 adams or fill your ammos with the 'GiveItem' command. That's not all you can give yourself. With this command, you can give yourself plasmids, tonics, credits/money, increase plasmid/tonic slots, and many stuff normally you cannot obtain in the game. One of the neater things you can do with this command is being able to increase your health bar and eve bar. It's too slick for words I tell ya.

Command Syntax:

GiveItem NumberOfItem ItemClassName

gives NumberOfItem amount of ItemClassName item to player;

You can set NumberOfItem to any value like '99' or '9999' (good for credits and adam).

The next section lists the valid strings to use for the ItemClassName parameter. Each strings are organized under a catagory like 'Active Plasmids' for all strings dealing with giving active plasmids. A description is given on the right side of the arrow if a comment is needed. The '??' means the command did something but the effect is unknown.



ShockGame.AutoHack <-- autohack tools
ShockGame.Battery <-- ??

ShockDesignerClasses.BioAmmoHypo <-- eve hypo (max is 9 or 18 if equipped with the Organic Pocket plasmid)

ShockDesignerClasses.MedHypo <-- first aid kit (max is 9 or 18 if equipped with the Organic Pocket plasmid)

Active Plasmids (recommend to set NumberOfItem to 1 for these):

ShockGame.AirBlast <-- sonic boom (can't use though)
ShockGame.BerserkRage <-- enrage
ShockGame.DecoyHuman <-- target dummy

ShockGame.ElectricBolt <-- don't add again if you already have it (game will try to play cinematic but fails)

ShockGame.IcicleAssault <-- winter blast
ShockGame.Incineration <-- incinerate!
ShockGame.InsectSwarmPlasmid <-- insect swarm
ShockGame.SecurityBeacon <-- security bullseye
ShockGame.SpringboardTrap <-- cyclone trap
ShockGame.SummonProtector <-- hypnotize big daddy
ShockGame.Telekinesis <-- telekinesis

Ecology Plasmids/Tonics (recommend to set NumberOfItem to 1 for these):

ShockGame.DeepResearcher <-- damage research
ShockGame.EyeForDetail <-- photographer's eye (combat tonic)
ShockGame.GathererMimic <-- ?? (physical tonic)
ShockGame.NearSightedCameras <-- security evasion (physical tonic)
ShockGame.PhotosensitiveSecretions <-- ?? (circular green placeholder icon)
ShockGame.ShowMeTheCones <-- ?? (circular green placeholder icon)
ShockGame.ThoroughScavenger <-- scrounger

Engineering Plasmids/Tonics (recommend to set NumberOfItem to 1 for these):

ShockGame.AlarmExpert <-- alarm expert
ShockGame.Deconstructionist <-- ??
ShockGame.EfficientCrafter <-- clever inventor
ShockGame.ElectronicsExpert <-- focused hacker
ShockGame.ExtendedShutdown <-- shutdown expert
ShockGame.HackingExpert <-- hacking expert
ShockGame.HypoMetabolizer <-- ??
ShockGame.ImprovisationalGenius <-- ??
ShockGame.LargerHackingHand <-- ??
ShockGame.MachineBully <-- machine bully (looks like a combat tonic)
ShockGame.PlasmidHypoGuru <-- ??
ShockGame.PlasmidSynergy <-- ??
ShockGame.ProlificCrafter <-- prolific inventor
ShockGame.RecyclingExpert <-- ??
ShockGame.SecuritySystemsExpert <-- security expert
ShockGame.ShorterAlarm <-- shorten alarm
ShockGame.SlowFlow <-- speedy hacker
ShockGame.StationExpert <-- safecracker
ShockGame.TileRotation <-- ??
ShockGame.VendingExpert <-- vending expert

Physical Plasmids/Tonics (recommend to set NumberOfItem to 1 for these):

ShockGame.ArmoredBody <-- armored shell (combat tonic)
ShockGame.AsbestosBody <-- ?? (mitten icon)
ShockGame.BioAmmoEfficiency <-- eve saver
ShockGame.BioAmmoPoolBoost <-- ?? (circular green placeholder icon)
ShockGame.BloodLust <-- bloodlust
ShockGame.BoozeHound <-- booze hound
ShockGame.ChameleonBlood <-- natural camouflage
ShockGame.ChargedBursts <-- static discharge
ShockGame.Chemosynthesis <-- ?? (security cam icon)
ShockGame.ColdResistance <-- ?? (no icon)
ShockGame.DiseaseImmunity <-- ?? (no icon)
ShockGame.ElectricBody <-- electric flesh (combat tonic)
ShockGame.FastTwitch <-- sport boost
ShockGame.FreezingNimbus <-- frozen field (combat tonic)
ShockGame.GasVentRegeneration <-- ?? (circular green placeholder icon)
ShockGame.GeneticHacker <-- hacker's delight
ShockGame.GlowingBody <-- ?? (dollar icon)
ShockGame.HealthPoolBoost <-- ?? (circular green placeholder icon)
ShockGame.HealthyConsumer <-- extra nutrition
ShockGame.MedHypoOmnisynthesis <-- eve link
ShockGame.MedicineFriendly <-- medical expert
ShockGame.OrganicPockets <-- organic pockets
ShockGame.Rechargeable <-- ?? (battery icon)

Weapon Plasmids/Combat Tonics (recommend to set NumberOfItem to 1 for these):

ShockGame.ArmorWeaknessFinder <-- ??
ShockGame.BoltRecoverySpecialist <-- ??
ShockGame.ChemicalThrowerAmmoSpecialist <-- ?? (placeable)
ShockGame.CriticalHitBonus <-- ?? (placeable)
ShockGame.CrossbowAmmoSpecialist <-- ?? (placeable)
ShockGame.DevastatingCriticalHits <-- ?? (placeable)
ShockGame.DurableBees <-- ?? (placeable)
ShockGame.FastEquipper <-- ?? (placeable)
ShockGame.FastReloader <-- ?? (placeable)
ShockGame.GrenadeLauncherAmmoSpecialist <-- ?? (placeable)
ShockGame.HeatSeekingRPGs <-- ?? (placeable)
ShockGame.HighExplosiveBuckshot <-- ?? (placeable)
ShockGame.MachineGunAmmoSpecialist <-- ?? (placeable)
ShockGame.MeleeMaster <-- wrench jock
ShockGame.PistolAmmoSpecialist <-- ?? (placeable)
ShockGame.ShotgunAmmoSpecialist <-- ?? (placeable)
ShockGame.SneakAttack <-- wrench lurker
ShockGame.SteadyHand <-- ?? (placeable)
ShockGame.SuperCooled <-- ?? (placeable)
ShockGame.SuperCooledFrozenBullets <-- ?? (placeable)
ShockGame.SuperHeated <-- human inferno
ShockGame.SuperHeatedBolts <-- ?? (placeable)
ShockGame.TwoRoundBurst <-- ?? (placeable)
ShockGame.VulnerabilityKnowledge <-- ?? (placeable)

Plasmid/Tonc Slot Upgrades (recommend to set NumberOfItem to 1 for these; add one at a time to be safe):

ShockGame.ActiveGeneticSlotUpgrade <-- increase slot for active plasmids
ShockGame.EngineeringGeneticSlotUpgrade <-- increase slot for engineer tonic
ShockGame.PhysicalGeneticSlotUpgrade <-- increase slot for physical tonic
ShockGame.WeaponsGeneticSlotUpgrade <-- increase slot for combat tonic

Freebie (for health/eve bar upgrade set NumberOfItem to 1; so that you can see how big the bars grow; after like 12, the bar graphic will look wierd):

ShockGame.ADAM <-- adam points (normally obtained from little sister)
ShockGame.BioAmmoUpgrade <-- eve upgrade (increases max eve/blue bar)
ShockGame.Credits <-- dollars/money (can't go over 500)
ShockGame.HealthUpgrade <-- health upgrade (increases max health/red bar)

Med Hypo:

ShockGame.CeilingCrawlerOrgan <-- spider splicer organ

Misc Ammo:

ShockGame.Film <-- ammo for camera

Emitter Ammo:

ShockGame.ChemicalThrower_Kerosene <-- napalm

Projectile Ammo:

ShockGame.Crossbow_ArmorPiercingBolt <-- ??
ShockGame.Crossbow_Bolt <-- steel-tip bolts
ShockGame.Crossbow_DiseaseBolt <-- ??
ShockGame.Crossbow_SuperHeatedBolt <-- Incendiary bolts

Explosive Projectile Ammo:

ShockGame.GrenadeLauncher_LiquidNitrogen <-- ??
ShockGame.GrenadeLauncher_RPG <-- heat-seeking RPG
ShockGame.StickyProjectileAmmo <-- ??

Trace Ammo:

ShockGame.MachineGun_ArmorPiercingBullet <-- armor piercing auto rounds
ShockGame.MachineGun_Bullet <-- machine gun rounds
ShockGame.MachineGun_FrozenBullet <-- antipersonnel auto rounds
ShockGame.MachineGun_RubberBullet <-- ??
ShockGame.Pistol_AntiPersonnel <-- antipersonnel pistol rounds
ShockGame.Pistol_ArmorPiercing <-- armor-piercing pistol rounds
ShockGame.Pistol_Bullet <-- pistol rounds
ShockGame.Shotgun_HighExplosiveBuck <-- exploding buck
ShockGame.Shotgun_IonicBuck <-- electric buck
ShockGame.WrenchAmmo <-- ammo for wrench

Weapon Mod (unknown; maybe reserved for future release or dropped):

ShockGame.ChemicalThrowerAdvancedPressureMod <-- ??
ShockGame.CrossbowScopeMod <-- ??
ShockGame.GrenadeLauncherBiggerDamageMod <-- ??
ShockGame.GrenadeLauncherRPGMod <-- ??
ShockGame.PistolFullAutoMod <-- ??
ShockGame.ResearchCameraFlashMod <-- ??
ShockGame.ResearchCameraZoomMod <-- ??
ShockGame.ShotgunAutoLoaderMod <-- ??
ShockGame.ShotgunQuadBarrelMod <-- ??

Plasmids/Tonics Upgrades:

ShockDesignerClasses.ChargedBurstsTwo <-- static discharge 2
ShockDesignerClasses.EyeForDetailTwo <-- photographer's eye 2
ShockDesignerClasses.FastTwitchTwo <-- sportboost 2
ShockDesignerClasses.HealthyConsumerThree <-- extra nutrition 3
ShockDesignerClasses.MeleeMasterTwo <-- wrench jockey 2
ShockDesignerClasses.SecuritySystemsExpertTwo <-- security expert 2

Usage Examples:

GiveItem 9999 ShockGame.ADAM view screenshot
GiveItem 99 ShockGame.AutoHack view screenshot

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